
A crimzencare “Store and Website”, we respect your privacy. We inform our users how we collect, use, share and protect your personal data. Each time you interact with the “store and website” through our physical stores or e-commerce websites and subscribe to our services, you agree to the use of information collected or submitted as described in this privacy policy. Taking care of your personal information is important to us, which is why we want you to be confident that your data is kept with us.

crimzencare is a registered trademark of crimzencare Est. When we say a crimzencare in any of the following filed under crimzencare Est.

This privacy policy applies to all personal information collected by the “store and website” of crimzencare. The crimzencare “Store and Website” may be referred to herein as “The crimzencare”, “we”, “our” or “us” in this Privacy Statement as applicable. At crimzencare we work hard to serve our customers better because we keep the personal data that is shared with us. We maintain confidentiality and privacy as much as possible, which has become one of our top priorities.

This privacy statement will explain how and why we collect your personal information for the purpose of managing your accounts with us and processing transactions that take place between you and the Store and Website.

How we collect data information?

This section tells you what kind of personal data we may collect from you when you use our Services and what personally identifiable information we may receive from other sources. With this information we can provide our services to you, the information you provide is all necessary for offline and online transactions, operational functions and marketing activities.

Cookies are small files containing text strings stored on your computer that we use to authenticate you in transactions on our websites and to provide content specific to your interests and preferences.

Web beacons are often used in combination with cookies. We use web beacons to monitor user activity on our website, specifically in relation to how long users visit our web pages, so that we can generate reviews and scores on site traffic, number of unique visitors, and other impression functions.

Log information may include website requests, operating system, browser details, the date and time of your request, and cookies that may identify your browser.

We use IP addresses to analyze trends, administer the site, track user movement, and gather broad demographic information for operational use. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information.

Obtaining your personal data may occur in the following circumstances when you transact with a crimzencare:

When you register for our services in both a physical store and an online store

When you shop with us online, browse our websites, or use our mobile applications

When you use our printed coupons or vouchers online

When you contact us or we contact you or join promotions, contests, surveys and product reviews about our Services

During the course of a transaction on our Website, personally identifiable information collected about you may include:

First and last name, email address, contact details including phone numbers and PIN/zip code

Demographic profile (such as age, gender, occupation, education, address, and lifetime possessions)

Personal preferences and interests

Your opinion of the services, products and features on our website

We may also collect the following information about:

The pages you visit/access

Links you click on our site

The number of times you access the page

Things you watch, add to bag, add to wish list

Other websites that you open simultaneously while browsing our Sites

How we use data information?

The use of personal data may occur in the following circumstances in connection with the implementation of the product, service and transactions between the User and the Company.

Operational procedures and transactions:

Fulfill and manage purchases, enable sales, process and settle payments, process orders, and provide receipts in both the physical store and online store

Providing customer service, processing and assistance with dispute resolution, payment processing including returns, refunds, and other transactional issues

Manage subscription services, including managing orders and billing, improving reordering experiences, communicating with the user about the subscription, and offering other products and services

Perform technical, logistical, financial, tax, legal, compliance, administrative and/or other back office functions

Conduct a transaction where we collect information required by law

Prevent fraudulent transactions, monitor against theft, and protect our guests and business

Online marketing and social media

Sending you promotions, surveys, new product and website features, service or policy update notices through official marketing channels, such as SMS, email and social media; Both automatically generated and personalized messages are sent with personalized content based on the user’s personal characteristics or preferences (if you choose to receive such information)

Delivery of vouchers, mobile coupons, newsletters, in-store pickup messages, emails, mobile messages, social media notifications, administration of sweepstakes and contests in both physical store and e-commerce .

Respond to requests for information about our products and services in our stores and on our websites or mobile application and communicate with the user through a phone call, email, online store or social media to communicate about transactions and inquiries.

Disclosure to third parties

We disclose personal data to other organizations/companies providing services for our transactional requirements – courier companies for product delivery and other service providers who may request personal data in order to effectively carry out operations related only to this website. We do not sell, share, or rent any of this personal information, unless required by special circumstances such as to comply with subpoenas, court orders, or requests from legal authorities or law enforcement agencies that require such disclosure. This website takes every precaution to protect users’ information. When users submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline.

social media

We operate channels, pages and accounts on certain social media sites to inform, assist and interact with customers. We monitor and record comments and posts made on these channels about us so that we can improve our services.

crimzencare “The Store and Website” is not responsible for any information published on those websites other than the information that we have published ourselves. We do not endorse the social media sites themselves or any information posted on them by third parties.

The following companies, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Google and Linkedin, may use the data for their own purposes, namely to market to you through their social media platforms and to allow sharing on our websites. This includes profiling and targeting you with other ads.

Your rights and access to information

All information we have collected is available in our contact database. For users who have registered with crimzencare “The Store and Website”, which is the e-commerce platform for a large variety of products, all information is available online in your account and you can access this information at any time by logging into your account through our website.

In relation to your personal data, you have the following rights, as stated below:

Request to correct or update the personal data we hold about you. This allows us to correct or update any incomplete or inaccurate data we have about you. However, we may need to verify the accuracy of corrected or updated data provided to us, to secure the data and to comply with our data accuracy policies.

Request to delete personal data. You can request deletion or removal of personal data where there are no grounds for us to process that data. However, in special cases, we may not be able to comply with your request of erasure for specific legal reasons which will be notified to you, if applicable, at the time of your request.

object to the processing of your personal data, where we are relying on a legitimate interest and there is something about your particular situation that makes you wish to object to processing on this ground if you feel it affects your fundamental rights and freedom.

Request restriction of the processing of your personal data. In such circumstances where you have successfully submitted a request for the restriction of your personal data, we will suspend the processing of your personal data – where you wish to cancel all services and close your accounts; or where you challenge the accuracy of the personal data we hold, and where you may wish to exercise or defend legal claims when we normally delete or anonymize the data.

Other data protection rights

With respect to your personal data, you also have the right to object in relation to direct marketing. You can also object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes. We will stop sending you such communications.

There are many situations in which you can restrict our use of your personal data, if you have made a general objection based on the above provisions, if you are assured of the accuracy of the personal data we hold in our database, and we have used your personal data. data incorrectly, but you do not want to delete it. You can also lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Regulatory Authority, where you also have the right to lodge a complaint about how we use your personal data.

Withdrawal policy

When you choose to receive such communications, we may send you information about our products and services. To opt out of marketing or promotional emails, please click the unsubscribe link in the footer of the email to remove them from future communications. To stop receiving SMS, please reply with the four digit unsubscribe number mentioned in the SMS.

Ratings and reviews

You agree that you are the sole author of the ratings and reviews that you submit to this site. You are responsible for and own the intellectual property rights relating to the content you provide. You agree that you will not submit anything that is untrue, inaccurate or misleading, whereas if you were paid for such compensation that affected the content of your review; if the content is copied from anyone else, or infringes the copyright, patent or trademark of any third party; if content you have provided violates any law or is deemed offensive; if the information provided includes references to other websites; or contains any viruses, worms, or other potentially harmful computer files. The “Store and Website” crimzencare reserves the right to remove or refuse to send any submission for any reason.

Anti-fraud statement

crimzencare “Store and Website” has been notified of fraudulent activities circulating in various locations, through phone calls, letters, emails and such communications regarding prizes, promotion, employment, investment and money transfer. If you encounter such information, please contact us. We urge you to beware of phone calls and messages regarding prize claims from freelancers asking for your bank details. We do not request such information from our customers. Promotion Winners are listed on our stores, official websites and social media channels, while our recruitment process is conducted either through our official HR teams or affiliated professional recruitment agencies. We urge you to immediately report such suspicious communications to the relevant government authorities and agencies. The crimzencare “Store and Website” reserves the right to take legal action, including criminal action, against these individuals and entities.

If you receive any unauthorized, suspicious or fraudulent interview offers or calls, please email us at [email protected]

Contact us and complaints

If you require more information regarding our privacy policy, or if you have a complaint about our handling of your personal information, please email us at: [email protected] If you have a complaint about our handling of personal information, We will contact you immediately and work with you to resolve the issue.

Limitation of liability

Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence, crimzencare will not be liable for any indirect, special, exemplary or consequential damages that result from the use or inability to use, including but not Limitation Information or materials on the page, page content, page code, user services or software. While  crimzencare takes reasonable precautions against security breaches, no web page or transmission over the Internet is completely secure, and as such, crimzencare will not be liable for any indirect, special, exemplary, or consequential damages that may result from unauthorized access. hacking, data loss or any other breach that may occur.


By accessing the crimzencare  page, Users, persons and third parties agree and undertake to act responsibly and not to cause harm, loss or damage to crimzencare. In the event that crimzencare suffers any loss, injury or damage, crimzencare has the right to take appropriate steps to identify the person(s) concerned, seek compensation and compensate for all losses, claims, demand, damages and costs. fees (including legal fees and costs) or damage that may occur to crimzencare due to misuse of the Page and the consequent impact on crimzencare.


This Privacy Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Oman law. Any disputes arising in connection with this Privacy Policy will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Sultanate of Oman.

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